Eyes and Wires

A Building of Connections
2016A 10 image series exploring the energetic threads that connect us all in the society we live in today.

Get Me Out of Here
series 2
(1) an international code signal of extreme distress, used especially by ships at sea (2) an urgent appeal for help. (3) a message broadcast to an untraceable person in an emergency.
A Call from the Moon
series 2

(1) an international code signal of extreme distress, used especially by ships at sea (2) an urgent appeal for help. (3) a message broadcast to an untraceable person in an emergency.

A Call from the Moon
Spark Me
series 3
Touch, looks, words, air that sends energy through us. Invigorating.

Look At Me

A Deep Breath Could Save You
“Visually and audibly, the world of today was designed to distract. Before you could give a name to your own feelings, there was something telling you what to think and want.”
― Courtney Maum, Touch
― Courtney Maum, Touch
Cargo Collective, Inc. Los Angeles, Calif.